4 March 2007

Sometimes are rulings are there to prevent people from doing stupid stuff. A simple punishment can restrict some people's minds from corrupting and thus preparing the wonderful notion of a guilt free society. Yet, some rulings are best removed for the intelligence and trust of fellow mankind. One such ruling is on certain imaging devices in some organisation.

And simply because of this damned ruling, I run the risk of burning a couple of weekends. When there is no damned image or recording that was done in that particular region in North-Western singapore. I mean, what's wrong with fair use of that device since I already paid the price (literally) to use that gadget anywhere I want.

Not that I want to bicker. Sometimes life is just about making more redudancies until someone slightly more intelligent manages to point it out and changes are made. And after changes are made more redundancies occur and the cycle repeats. The tireless management system of big organisations are simply there to hold someone responsible should anything occur. Those with stuff above their shoulders are pretty much spared, while those with sewed-on insignias bear the brunt of these so-called new directives.

My phone is my everything. I specifically chosen and modified it so that it can perform most of the stuff I want with multiple gadgets. I'm not bragging about my IT skills. My phone is in fact my life story. My messages, the music I hear, the music videos I watch are things I like in this increasingly dreadful world. More important is the photos inside. Each photo is a snapshot. A memory. A flashback of past events that are forgotten (or simply in some "unknown sector" of your brain that you can't recall.) A quick scroll of the gallery takes you back to memory lane.

I'm not taking any chances. Getting caught a second time simply means waving your white flag at the organisation and make them think the rule should stay. The phone will stay at home and serve only on off or weekends. That's it. No more.

Happy birthday to me. I'm already twenty like BoA. People making millions, I'm making blubber. who cares. I'm content with what I have and ignoring what I don't. I don't need people to remember my birthday. It's not important. But for those who do, I'm clicking my pen and jotting down your name. The "good boys and good girls" list a la Santa Claus. Let's see who's nice and who's not. lol. Just kidding. Ta!

24 february 2007

Hello! This is a spanking new blog design which is very free-formed in nature. In the sense that, no matter what resolution you use (of course excluding gigantic ones) or what browser you use the webpage stays relatively the same throughout. Marvellous.

I just ended my one week break. ANd everyday is a stupid anti-climax day. We were all told we were going to be called back for this week. First it was Wednesday, then it never happened since then. So everyday we're just practically waiting for time to pass then we plan to go out, which is nonsensical. Really. There's not much point. That being said, I still think I'm fortunate as my timings are less a waiting, thanks to the 4 hours in advance thing. So in other words, any time more than 10am and no call means no activation. Hoorah.

I just talked to Melswee last night and she complained about my blog. So here's to her and new ideas! Introducing 31.2! Vista. It's open, it's nice and it's easier to use than cramping everything on one slide. Now it even loads faster thanks to smaller file sizes and streamlined codes that is interoperable on any browser (I think I just repeated myself.)

Once again this week I've been spending money on people. Yes, on people in general. I don't know. Perhaps it's the price to pay for people's company. Sounds like I'm buying friendships. But it isn't la. It's just that everything comes with a price tag it's hard to go out and have fun without spending some blue-backs or red-backs (i.e. 50 dollar and 10 dollar notes). So, just spend it.

I think that's about all I have to say. Have a good day! Don't miss me should I miss two whole weeks of updating. I can't help it sometimes. Hope looking at BoA makes you happy! Ciaos.